Monica McLemore, PhD, MPH, RN

Assistant Adjunct Professor, Family Health Care Nursing Department
School of Nursing



Monica McLemore PhD, MPH, RN is an Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Family Health Care Nursing Department in the School of Nursing at the University of California, San Francisco, and a research scientist at ANSIRH. Her research interests include unintended pregnancy prevention, the efficacy and safety of nurse administered procedural sedation, tumor markers of ovarian cancer and their behavior across the menstrual cycle, the nursing role in abortion care provision and pilot testing of a doula training program as a job vocational program for previously incarcerated women. Dr. McLemore is also working with the UCSF School of Nursing Midwifery and Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Faculty to begin implementation of AB154, the state law that allows advanced practice clinicians (i.e., Certified Nurse Midwives, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants) to provide early aspiration abortions in California. Dr. McLemore's own diverse clinical experiences inform and are closely aligned with her research interest; and the unifying thread is this: to produce evidence to assist nurses to meet women wherever they are, specifically, by designing patient-centered studies that enhance the knowledge base of nurses who work in gynecology, sexual and reproductive health across the lifespan.

Dr. McLemore has been a staff-nurse in a variety of ambulatory settings for the last 20 years and continues to practice at the Women’s Options Center and the UC Hastings College of the Law Student Health Service.  She also serves as a Board member for the Reproductive Options in Education (ROE) program of Provide (formerly known as the Abortion Access Project).

Areas of Interest:

  • Nurses and Nursing engagement in abortion, contraception and family planning
  • The impact of lay health worker (doula) support for women  
  • Ovarian cancer early detection and prevention
  • The efficacy and safety of nurse administered procedural sedation

Ongoing Research Projects:

Title: AB2348, AB980 & AB154: Determining the capacity of the California nursing workforce to fully implement recent legislation to expand access to primary and secondary prevention of unintended pregnancy.

Key Funder(s): UCSF-Clinical Translational Science Institute (CTSI) 

Major Project Goal: To conduct a statewide survey of nurses in California regarding sexual and reproductive health and interest in aspiration abortion training. 

Principal Investigator: Monica R. McLemore

Title: The Birth Justice Project’s Doula Training Program

Key Funders(s): The Innovations in Reentry grant program of the Alameda County Department of Public Health.

Major Project Goal: To evaluate piloting a birth doula training program as a jobs/vocational training for previously incarcerated women in Alameda County.

Principal Investigator(s): Monica R. McLemore and Carolyn Sufrin MD, PhD(c)

Title: AB154 Implementation: Clinical preceptor training in aspiration abortion.

Key Funders(s): UCSF Dean's Initiative Fund

Major Project Goal(s): 1) To train to competence, SON faculty and community NP and CNM providers in early aspiration abortion using the HWPP curriculum, as necessary by statute; 2) To identify community clinician providers – focusing on rural and underserved areas in California, interested in this training; 3) To assess the needs of potential rural/community APNs to inform the development of the intensive training; 4) To provide the HWPP competency based curriculum to community based providers to develop rural community based preceptors and 5) To expand the curriculum to train participants to be expert teachers preceptors.

Principal Investigator(s): Monica R. McLemore PhD, MPH, RN with the team: Cynthia Belew CNM, RN; Pilar Bernal de Pheils CNM, FNP, RN, FAAN; Kim Dau CNM, RN; Erica Monasterio FNP, MSN and Jenna Shaw-Battista PhD, CNM

Updated August 2014