A Question of Hope: Reducing Latina Teen Childbearing in California

Telly Award

The film was produced by Ideas in Motion in Berkeley, California, and won a 2009 Telly Award in the Social Issues category.

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The Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health and the Center on Social Disparities in Health are pleased to share this short film, A Question of Hope: Reducing Latina Teen Childbearing in California.
The film aims to capture the insights, choices, and opportunities of young Latina women in California. It is based on findings from a study conducted by UCSF that interviewed pregnant Latinas who would soon deliver their first child. Half of those interviewed were teenagers and half were older, the latter having successfully delayed pregnancy until they were adults. The film is intended to be useful to policy makers, health and social services professionals, and others concerned with helping teens delay childbearing into adulthood.
This study was funded by the Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Division and Office of Family Planning of the California Department of Public Health’s Center for Family Health. 
For more information about the study and suggestions on how to use this film, please see the DVD insert.

The film is also available in Spanish. If you are interested in receiving a DVD of the film, or have questions about the study or film, please contact Antonia Biggs.

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